Testimonials for Andy Wright

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To whom it may Concern, I joined Henlow Flying Club in November 2013 with the objective of renewing a PPL that was issued to me on 21st September 1965. That PPL was the culmination of a 30 hour course of flying training with the Cumberland Flying Club at Carlisle Airport under the auspices of the Air Training Corps Flying Scholarship Scheme. I was 17 years old at the time and had no means of funding any further hours to maintain flying currency. As a result, my PPL lapsed on 20th September 1970, with my total hours remaining unchanged at 19h 25m dual and 10h 35m solo. Thus, when I first visited the Henlow Flying Club late last year, I presented the club and my assigned flying instructor, Mr Andy Wright, with a considerable challenge. Andy contacted the UK CAA for advice and once he received written confirmation from the UK CAA that it would be possible for me to renew my PPL, after amassing sufficient bespoke flying instructional hours to achieve the necessary standard to undertake the PPL skills test with a CAA examiner, we made a start. I flew my first dual flight with him on 22nd November 2013. Andy devised a comprehensive syllabus that covered all the items that would be tested in the skills test, comprising navigation exercises, practice airborne emergencies and circuit flying but also including land-aways at Cranfield, Conington, Duxford and Fowlmere together with a VFR transit through the Luton CTR. All the airborne instruction was backed up with comprehensive ground instruction and pre and post-flight briefings. Andy also determined that I should resit and pass the CAA Air Law and UK Communications written examinations, together with the RT Practical Test. After 25 hours of dual instruction time with Andy, he considered me fit to take my skills test with the CAA examiner. The skills test was completed successfully 1h 20m later on 16th March 2014. I was thus able to renew and convert my long lapsed PPL into a EASA Part-FCL Pilot Licence after an interval of almost 49 years and at the relatively advanced age of 66 years. Since then, I have continued to hone my flying skills with a further 3h 05m of solo consolidation flying and a club fly-out to Chichester Goodwood Aerodrome. This additional flying has given me the ability to properly appreciate and thus endorse the quality of the flying instruction I received under the skilful and patient tutelage of Andy Wright; all achieved within the carefully tailored syllabus that he devised and adapted as my training progressed. Consequently, I cannot express my thanks strongly enough to Andy and to the Henlow Flying Club for enabling me to achieve my long held dream of renewing my PPL thus enabling me to fly solo in a light aircraft again at long last. If I can do it, with the help of Henlow Flying Club and their excellent cadre of flying instructors, then anyone with the right motivation can. My sincere thanks go to Andy and to all those club members concerned for their support, encouragement and friendship. 
Yours faithfully,
JM 23rd May, 2014


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In 2016, after spending several months looking at various flying schools to start my learning at the age of 49, I met Andy, who instantly made me feel at ease, yet very professional and explained everything very clearly.

From that point on, most of my training was with Andy.

It wasn't until I started having the occasional lesson with other instructors that I appreciated his true skill. Every lesson with Andy feels like going flying with a friend, yet you're learning valuable lessons, tailored to you .... and he has a knack of knowing your strengths/weaknesses very quickly.

At one point in my training, a member of my family became seriously ill - Andy could see that it was having an impact on my flying, and so advised me to take a break for a little while, which I doubt you'd see at other schools.

Having passed my test in 2018, I still go back for refreshers with Andy .... he knows how to stretch you, and every flight with him, I still learn more. I've also recommended him to other pilots for training - all of them have great feedback.

In summary, one of life's true gents, a great pilot himself, and more importantly (if you're reading this), a great instructor.

Kind regards 

Darren Dorgan


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